Con 14 idiomas diferentes (Alemán, Inglés, Francés, Italiano, Español, Ruso, Rumano, Checo, Polaco, Croata, Danés, Sueco, Noruego y Turco), casi siempre tenemos a su disposición una persona de contacto que le atenderá en su lengua materna.Claudia Blinzinger
Sales Backoffice
Alfred Bosch
Sales BeNeLux I RO
Chris Burkhardt
Sales Northern Europe
Emre Celen
Sales Southeastern Europe
Heike Clement
Sales Backoffice
Nicole Degl
Sales Backoffice
Andreas Demsar
Director of Sales Export
Jonas Dietscher
Sales GER Centre I GER East
Colin Fuggmann
Sales International
Petra Frank
Sales Backoffice
Ulrich Gaiser
Vice Director of Sales National I GER South I CH
Jasmin Goller
Sales GER Centre I BeNeLux
Larissa Grimm
Sales Backoffice
Stefan Grubmüller
International Sales | E-Commerce
Yannick Jankowski
Sales GER Mitte I BeNeLux
Lena Keller
Sales GER South I CH
Nadine Kopf
Sales Northern Europe | Africa | Oceania
Daniel Kosing
Sales North America
David Kruse
Sales GER Centre I GER North I BeNeLux
Helen Lebherz
Sales GER South
Vanessa Leone
Sales Southern Europe
Ekaterina Lintner
Sales Eastern Europe
Marco Lintner
Sales Eastern Europe
Viktoria Lubinec
Sales Backoffice
Simone May
Sales GER South
Maya Mehrer
Sales GER South I CH
Frank Möbus
Sales GER Centre I GER East
Marcel Mössner
Sales GER Centre | GER North I BeNeLux
Annika Münter
Sales GER South I CH
Michael Niedermeier
Sales Southern Europe
Sudenaz Öztürk
Sales Backoffice
Arwed Pollak
Vice Director of Sales Export
Maximilian Reichert
Sales GER Centre I GER East
Melanie Rüdele
Sales Backoffice
Pascal Siller
Sales Southeastern Europe
Yvonne Sandner
Sales Export Backoffice
Sven Schnell
Sales GER North I BeNeLux
Olga Schneider
Sales Central Europe | ASEAN
Philipp Seybold
Sales Southeastern Europe
Ralf Specht
Sales GER Centre I GER East
Daniel Stab
Sales Eastern Europe
Andreas Sulzbacher
Sales Central Europe
Markus Swoboda
Sales Eastern Europe
Ruven Tulke
Sales GER South I CH
Tamara Tulke
Sales Backoffice
Niko Turkalj
Sales GER South I CH
Martin Vogg
Sales GER Centre I GER North I BeNeLux
Regina Waldert
Sales Backoffice
Patrick Wieland
Sales GER Centre I GER East
Reinhold Wirth
Director of Sales I ppa
Nicole Wurster
Sales Northern Europe
Katja Dyngbo
Sales Representative Scandinavia I Southeastern Africa I Australia I New Zealand
Christelle Balleur
Sales S+P France
Markus Hanselmann
Director of Purchasing
Florian Hesser
Vice Director of Purchasing
Benjamin Degl
Purchasing Standard Parts
Dirk Hauff
Purchasing Standard Parts
Martin Schauer
Purchasing Standard Parts
Manuel Ostheimer
Purchasing Standard Parts
Matthias Goller
Purchasing Special Parts
Stefan Hessenauer
Purchasing I Team Leader Import
Jessica Dietrich
Purchasing I Import
Jennifer Hesser
Purchasing | Sustainability
Belinda Herbst
Purchasing I Backoffice
Marius Müßener
Purchasing I Service
Michaela Rüdele
Purchasing I Service
Karin Stark
Purchasing I Service
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Zeilbaumweg 3274613 Öhringen
Teléfono: +49 (0) 7941 6094 – 0
Fax: +49 (0) 7941 6094 – 700
Correo electrónico: info@schaefer-peters.com