Benvenuti a
Schäfer + Peters
La Schäfer + Peters è il partner ideale nel settore degli elementi di fissaggio resistenti alla ruggine e agli acidi, dei pezzi DIN e normalizzati (ad es. viti per legno, viti metriche, viti per lamiera, rondelle, dadi) o di prodotti come dispositivi di fissaggio con portata forte, viti di sicurezza, elementi di fissaggio per pannelli solari, nonché particolari speciali e a disegno: il tutto disponibile in diverse versioni.
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Prodotti interessanti
Venite a trovarci alle fiere
Fastener Fair Global
25th - 27th March 2025
Hall 3
Booth no. 1624
Hall 3
Booth no. 1624
Intersolar Europe
07th - 09st of May 2025
Fare carriera in un team
Volete saperne di più sulla formazione con noi? Allora lasciate che i nostri tirocinanti vi mostrino com'è la vita quotidiana in S+P!
Al blog dei tirocinantiUn rapporto inossidabile deve avere buone fondamenta.
Da noi i pilastri fondanti sono due: qualità e affidabilità.
Ultime notizie
Certificate ISO 50001:2018
Our commitment to sustainability and efficiency has paid off! We are pleased to announce that we have introduced an energy management system in accordance with ISO 50001:2018, which has since been successfully certified by TÜV Rheinland.
This award underlines our commitment to maximising energy efficiency and minimising our environmental impact. With our focus on continuous improvement, we set standards for environmentally conscious business. Trust in our proven quality and our commitment to a sustainable future. Together we are shaping a world where efficiency and responsibility go hand in hand!
This award underlines our commitment to maximising energy efficiency and minimising our environmental impact. With our focus on continuous improvement, we set standards for environmentally conscious business. Trust in our proven quality and our commitment to a sustainable future. Together we are shaping a world where efficiency and responsibility go hand in hand!
The new S+P general catalog
We present our entire product line to you on over 1,000 pages. We would be more than happy to send you a hard-copy of our catalogue. Contact us.
Energy audit ENBW & eco certificate
ENERGIEAUDIT DIN EN 16247-1 includes the systematic inspections and analysis of energy use and energy consumption at the company site together.
ECO-CERTIFICATE - With the photovoltaic system on our warehouse roof we contribute to a saving of approx. 555,393 kg CO2 in 2021 compared to the German electricity mix.
ECO-CERTIFICATE - With the photovoltaic system on our warehouse roof we contribute to a saving of approx. 555,393 kg CO2 in 2021 compared to the German electricity mix.